Friday, April 20, 2007

Yes, It's true

Oh, no! It can't be true!

Not the steel-loving, frame pump using, fender-happy, still training on Rolf wheels from 2001 Rebecca that I know....

Oh, but my love, it IS true.

It's ready.
I'm ready.
The new rocketship. Aboard this I'll propel myself through space and time.

Let's race!


gewilli said...

whatcha doing with the rolf wheels ;)

mmmm new bike droolage...

Anna Milkowski said...

Sweet sweet sweet! But red is so standard... don't you wish you had Kermit-the-Frog green?

CTodd said...

Is that bike or a rocketship?

Rebecca said...

Well, green is alluring, and you sure will be easy to spot on the peloton... but I've always been fond of red and black!!