Despite my complaints, I actually had a good workout on my trainer yesterday. Ward and I have a neat little sunroom with 7 windows around, sort of like a 4-season porch, and it provides a great indoor training space. Lots of light, snowy views of the yard, carpet to absorb the hum of the trainer, and it's cooler than the rest of the house, which is good when doing lots of intervals and threshold work. I pumped up the tunes and spun away as the cars and sanders slushed by on the street.
I just got home from rehearsal... I'm playing in the pit orchestra for our high school musical, 42nd Street. I decided to do it because I miss playing so much! My head was spinning with key changes and doubling on three instruments (plus transposing the soprano sax part on the fly since I only own an alto and a tenor), flute, clarinet, and alto sax. Years ago, just out of college, I would have sightread the whole thing flawlessly, but well, I'm a little rusty. Especially when switching between playing in the key of C# on alto then a mess of flats on flute while in cut time at 120+ beats per minute. Aah. Show music. But it feels good to play again. I hope I will continue to play more, even when the show's done. I've always thought it would be sweet to perform the national anthem at the start of a big race, then roll up to the start line, ready to put the hurt on. :)
I am so excited that I get tomorrow (Good Friday) off!! I think this might be one of the perks of teaching in a predominantly Catholic town! I can't wait to sleep in....
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